Our life's purpose- "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down ad when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Friday, December 31, 2010

Attempting Christmas Card Pictures

Kamryn loves to cheese and pose...couldn't get Johnston to participate

Aren't they just ADORABLE?

This is what we went with!! =)

Johnston's 2nd Birthday Party

Johnston is 2!!

Johnston turned two in October and had a fun little army birthday party at the park with his friends and grandparents. He had a blast, as you can tell from the pictures!

Yummy birthday cupcake! Major sugar rush!!

Johnston and Abby swinging on the swings


Birthday cake

Kamryn and Grandaddy playing on the playground

Johnston enjoying his birthday cake

Bubbles--every kid's favorite toy!!!

Mommy and Kamryn--we all dressed the 'camo' theme

Nonna and Johnston cheesing

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Counting My Blessings at Thanksgiving

As a woman, a mom, a wife and a friend; I realize I have a lot to be thankful for. I am blessed and love my life more than words can describe.

Years ago I couldn't see my life the way it is now, and that I am very thankful for. From where I was in my life when I met Kenny (a little bit over 5 years ago) I feel I have been "rescued". I strongly believe God sent Kenny to me to be my saving grace. I was in a dark place where I felt alone, depressed, stressed, and angry all day, every day. Kenny accepted everything I came with open arms and a loving heart. I often think about how accepting he was to me and during different situations I have been in over the past 5 years, it has made me change the way I have viewed things.

God has blessed me (and my family) beyond measure. We have the picture-perfect life style with the cute brick house, nice car, new truck, one daughter, one son, me being a SAHM and Kenny being a PM for Intuit. But beyond looks of our family, Kenny and I have a firm and solid marriage built on love, trust, support, and we are faithful in church. Kenny is my best friend, love of my life, and my rock. He is a fantastic and loving father, husband and friend. This year I am thankful for the non-materialistic things I have, which is my husband, kids, my sister and her finance', my parents and my in-laws.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Unorganized Chaos Can't Get More Hectic...

The past week or so for me has been off and I can not figure out why. I am now a stay at home Mom-and love it, but am ridiculously behind on everything. I am behind on e-mail, blogging, my boutique on Etsy and the list just goes on and on. I seemed to have more things under control when I was working part-time. I can add a few positives to the list that "Santa" has done his shopping, we have the kids teacher's Christmas' gifts, and a few other family members. Does that make it any better though?

We will see how long it takes me to get it going again. Just adjusting to a new schedule is what I am telling my self.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Does it Work?

So many who know Kenny and I pretty well know that Johnston is more of a handful than Kamryn was. Johnston is a very smart child and is really into seeing how things work and operate. He loves taking things apart, even if they can not be put back together. One night I was cooking dinner and couldn't get to Johnston fast enough and this was the result I saw. He was playing dress-up with Kamryn originally.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Two Years Ago Today-Happy Birthday, Johnston!!

Two years ago today at this very moment I was being prepped to have a c-section for the world's most beautiful boy. I still remember jumping out of bed at 4:30 a.m. half asleep but overjoyed to have another addition to our family, putting makeup on, having a bite (yes, only one and that was still a no-no, but a preggo woman has to eat), and leaving with Kenny to go to Centennial like we were just heading to go to the grocery store. His room was ready, clean, clothes all hung in his closet and baby toys in his room.

Two years ago today I did not know how that sweet little ball of energy would change my life for the better and have such a major impact on me. Two years ago today I fell in love all over again for the third time. Johnston has had my heart since he was conceived, but I never understood the bond a mother and son could have and it is utterly amazing. Johnston is full of life, energy and complete joy. I am blessed to see how he is so much like me; from looks to attitude, and from disposition to how he sleeps. Today I feel completely blessed to have an amazing son and I owe that thanks to God.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, J MAN!!!!! Mommy loves you!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Open House

Tonight we had open house for the kid's MDO.

Johnston is learning a lot in his class. He had become more social and more independent. He is the type of child that needs the consistent schedule and thrives off of it. He had fun showing us his friends and the musical instruments. Johnston showed us how he is the class clown and made everyone laugh. I can not believe how funny he is. He also showed his loving side to his friends and had to give every friend a hug before he left. He is a complete joy.

Kamryn has learned a lot in her class and has more knowledge than Kenny and I knew. She is an amazingly smart girl!! Her teachers gave us a scavenger hunt when we arrived. Kamryn's duty was to find everything that was listed on the hunt and to tell us about them. She showed us everything and described everything in great detail.

We are completely blessed for our kids to have the teachers they have. God had blessed us more than we could have imagined.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Learning to Ride Bikes

Kenny and I decided to get the kids bikes for their birthdays and give them to them early and just get them a little something to open for their birthdays. Kamryn's birthday is in December, which is one reason we decided to do this. This is where we got the kid's bikes from. We ALL absolutely love them!! The bikes do not have petals, training wheels or anything--it's a big kids bike that teaches balance.

We took the kids out to ride them today and had an absolute blast. It is amazing watching Kamryn who is our more reserved child try riding her bike over and over and finally start to get it! God has blessed us with wonderful children! Enjoy the pictures below.

Kamryn is getting GREAT at riding her bike! I am so proud of her!!

Early Rider

Kamryn's bike is on the left, and Johnston's is on the right

Side view of the bikes. They are light, I can life them with one hand.

Close up picture of the detail on their bikes

She was so excited and is getting so good!!!

There she goes...

The bike

So I have to take a minute and just brag about how handsome my boy's eyes are!! Just look at him! This is him in his paintball Nutcase helmet--isn't he just handsome!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Johnston's Little Tykes Tumble Class

Johnston before tumble class

Johnston and one of his friends in class



Learning balance

He decided to pick up one of the hoops instead of running through them

Practicing holdning and running through the hoop

Didn't take long for him to get it

His precious feet

Yay--he got a stamp after class!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Most Wonderful Birthday

The joy of having children is greater than I had ever imagined. The kids spent the night with my parents last night at their house out in Greenville. I had a meeting at church this afternoon, so Kenny met them half way to get the kids back like we normally do.

On their adventure home they stopped and got me a bottle of my favorite perfume, cards and cupcakes to celebrate my birthday. After they got home, Kamryn sang "Happy Birthday" to me and I had tears in my eyes It was absolutely precious!! Everything was simple, but I was overwhelmed by how excited they were to help celebrate. We had cupcakes with candles and Kamryn chatted about how she got to pick out the gift bag and how she thought I would like it. Johnston chimed in every once in a while with a few jabbers.

I have to say that being a Mom and celebrating birthdays is more awesome than it was hanging out with my friends when I was a kid. I am truly blessed to have a loving husband and two precious kids!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

I Love You...

As many know, Johnston is a Mommy's boy. We are a lot alike and he is a carbon copy of me...just a boy. He is also most definitely my favorite boy in the world--I think it kinda shows, too.

Johnston has been teething and has had it rough for over a week with swollen gums, bad diapers, a blistered hinny, etc... He has not been napping well this week because of the diaper issue. He slept for about 45 minutes today I decided to let him watch a few cartoons in Mommy and Daddy's bed to have some rest time-which is a special treat. After I turned the TV on and got him comfy in our bed he asked me to sit with him (well, he pointed to the pillow beside him and said please, which is what he meant) he scooted to me and gave me a hug and a kiss and said "I love you". It was absolutely sweet.

He always says I love you after you tell him first, but hearing him say it first was wonderful.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dinner with Friends

After the first day of preschool this year Kamryn and I went to dinner with her friend, Maddie and her Mommy, Rachael at Babes and had a blast.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Playing in the Rain

While it rained one afternoon this week, I let the kids run around in it for a bit. They started off in their clothes then quickly went down to their undies. They had so much fun! Kamryn sang 'If All The Raindrops' while it rained and Johnston became a pro at "drinking" the rain.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kamryn's First Barbie

Kamryn had begged me for a Barbie from a commercial she saw on TV, even though she did not like the one the commercial was for. I thought she might be a little too young so I waited until i had time to research appropriate age information. Barbie is for ages 3 and up. So needless to say I took Kamryn shopping for her first Barbie doll at her favorite store, Target (she loves to say Target') and she was amazed at how many Barbies there are. She picked one of the simpler Barbies in a purple dress with a few accessories. Barbie was a big excitement for about two weeks then she made her place to sit on Kamryn's dresser where she has now been for quite some time. I am now beginning to see how toy commercials profit.

Kamryn and Anna Claire

Kamryn had her sweet girlfriend, Anna Claire over while her Mommy went to an OB appointment with her future twin sisters. The girls had so much fun. Hearing all of the giggling was exciting to me to see what the years to come hold for their friendship. As you can see Johnston is not in sight...I think he was steering clear of all the giggles. Ha!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I Have an AWESOME Husband

So I have to take a few minutes and brag about my hubby. He has been completely patient with me while I have fried three computers during our marriage of four and a half years. That is almost a computer per year! Geeze! Need to say the least he purchased a MacBook Pro for me (they are unfriable) and I love it!!!! Thanks honey! You are the best! Apple products rock!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Disney Land

Enjoy pictures from California! We all had a blast!


Friday, June 11, 2010

Lego Land

Kamryn sitting on the camel made of Legos

Kamryn and Kenny on her first ride at Lego Land--she LOVED it!

World's smartest man--Mr.Einstein built out of Legos sticking out of the wall...that was awesome!!

Wedding Chapel made in a city scenery

Lego Eifel Tower made in a scenery

Miniture Las Vegas sign made in a city setting


This was a miniture Lego truck made in a scenery of city

Kamryn and Thomas the Train

Instruments made of Legos used as a water fountian...Kam loved it!! You could make it play music.

Kamryn at the Fossil Station about to start diging for dino bones

Kamryn diging for Dino bones at Lego Land


While on our vacation in California, we went to Lego Land. Kamryn really enjoyed it. Lego Land had a lot of activities and rides for Kamryn to do. We were amazed at the figurines and statues built out of Legos.